100% Authenticity GuaranteedHi All,
As the feedback and comments flowing in from friends and customers, please be assured that all the bags here are 100% brand new, authentic purchased only from the retailer and factory outlet/ department store. Gift receipts from the retailer can be obtain to prove the authenticity of the bags
Coach bagThe Coach bags here are all 100% authentic, brand new with tags, wrapped with Coach tissue. They all come with Coach care card and most bags will come with dust bag unless otherwise stated ( As for the small items from Coach and items from Coach Outlet, they don't provide the dust bag).
Please indicate if require paperbag, gift boxes (additional top-up for shipping required as it adds to the weight).
Kate SpadesThe Kate Spades bags here are all 100% authentic, brand new with tags. They all come with care card and price tag , some bags will come with dust bag .
Please indicate if require paperbag, gift box (additional top-up for shipping required as it adds to the weight).
Bags Heaven
**I personally do not carry fake bags and I will not post any fake bags on sales in this blog**